Detail OMRON NT20M-DN121-V2 & NT600M-LB121
The NT600-series PTs provide a choice of three models depending on the
input specifications of your system. You can also choose either of two types
of display devices. Any of six methods can be selected for communicating
with the host, which may be an FA Computer, a Programmable Controller, or
a compatible device.
The PTs have a drip-proof front panel structure when the dust cover is
mounted to protect the display area and the key input area.
Either of two types of display can be selected: an STN liquid crystal display
with a backlight, or a yellow-orange EL ( electro-luminescent) display.
Screens at the PT can be changed, messages can be received, and numbers
can be displayed from the host. The PT, in turn, can transmit key inputs
and numbers back to the host.
A maximum of 1000 screens can be registered. As many as 64 rectangular
or circular lamps can be created for a single screen, up to a total of 256 and
direct connection can be used without restrictions. Character strings, numerals,
bar graphs and simple graphics can also be created and registered.
Depending on the input specifications of the control system, any of three
NT600M types may be selected: the touch panel ( DT) type, the non-touchpanel
type ( DN) , and the function key type ( DF) . DT-type PTs enable the user
to create and use as many as 64 touch switches per screen, up to a total of
256 and direct connection can be used without restrictions. DN-type PTs allow
the connection of 12-key Function Key Units, up to a maximum of 32 input
points and 16 output points. DF-type PTs enable various inputs by means
of 12 function keys.
Screens can be changed on-site, using touch switches, function keys, or external
inputs. The screen-changing capability can be allocated to touch
switches or function keys at the time that the screens are created in advance
by the Support Tool.
Screen data can be written by means of commands from the host when an
RS-232C or RS-422A Host Interface Unit is mounted.
The direct connection function can be used to directly correlate host data
areas with PT operations. Ordinarily, instructions to the PT and inputs from
the PT are executed in response to commands from the host. Such commands
are not required for direct connection, however, and thus the size of
the host program can be greatly reduced. The direct connection can only be
used by DT-type PTs, with the restrictions on Host I/ F Units, System ROM,
and Support Tool versions shown in the following table.