Detail Recloser 27KV-38KV Tafrida
( Recloser Control) Module Tavrida RC Module is the brains of the recloser system. With a strong emphasis on user friendly operation, the RC series is now available with Bluetooth functionality and a six line man machine interface. A built in RTU provides easy connection to DNP3 and SCADA systems via connection to the modem system of your choice. Perhaps the most complex task however that arises with multiple reclosers on a network is the task of recloser coordination. Through work on new algorithms with several physics and mathematics research scientists in Europe, Tavrida has developed the TELARM software package that provides full auto-coordination of every recloser on the network. Recloser Control RC02 Some of the features are listed below: Directional over-current protection Directional earth fault protection Directional sensitive earth fault protection Under-voltage protection Cold load pickup Inrush restraint Voltage reclosing control which allows the customer to program loop automation functionality Separate event logs for close open operations & fault protection operations Instantaneous voltage, current and power metering Load profile data DNP3 and Modbus protocols Programmable digital inputs/ outputs