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  • Relay SEPAM T20, S20, M20, B20
Relay SEPAM T20, S20, M20, B20

Relay SEPAM T20, S20, M20, B20

Update Terakhir 01 / 12 / 2019
Minimal Pembelian 1 Unit



Detail Relay SEPAM T20, S20, M20, B20

Sepam series 20 Suitable for common applications, Sepam series 20 offers simple solutions based on current or voltage metering. b protection of substation incomers and feeders against phase-to-phase and phase-to-earth short-circuits v 16 IDMT tripping curves v adjustable timer hold to detect recurrent faults v switching of groups of settings to adapt to changes in the network configuration b protection of overhead lines with built-in recloser function b protection of transformers against overloads, with ambient temperaturecompensated RMS thermal overload protection with 2 groups of settings for different ventilation operating rates b protection of motors v against overloads, with ambient temperature-compensated RMS thermal overload protection with a cold tripping curve that can be adjusted to fit motor characteristics v against internal faults and load-related faults v with motor starting condition monitoring and machine operation assistance. The Sepam series 20 B21 and B22 voltage units are suitable for the following situations: b monitoring of network voltage and frequency b loss of mains detection by rate of change of frequency protection for installations with local power generation. Sepam series 40 MT11017 Sepam series 40, with its current and voltage metering capabilities, offers highperforming solutions for more demanding applications. Sepam series 40 units perform the following funcitons in addition to those performed by Sepam series 20: b protection of closed ring networks or networks with parallel incomers, by directional protection b directional earth fault protection suitable for all earthing systems: impedant, isolated or compensated neutral b protection of networks with variable configurations requiring the switching of groups of settings and logic discrimination b all the necessary electrical measurements: phase and residual currents, phase-toneutral, phase-to-phase and residual voltage, frequency, power and energy, ... b comprehensive network diagnosis assistance: 20 seconds of disturbance recording, detailed history of the last 200 alarms, storage of the last 5 tripping contexts b adaptation of control functions by a logical equation editor b customization of alarm messages to fit each application, and/ or in the user’ s language. MT11017 Sepam selection